Legal Notice
The website is the exclusive property of the Banque Populaire.A. Identity
Publisher’s corporate name: Banque Populaire
Corporate status: Public Limited Company with Board of Directors and Capital of 1,822,546,560 DH
RC: Casa 28173
Head office: Banque Centrale Populaire- 101, boulevard Mohamed Zerktouni – BP 10.622 - 20100- Casablanca
Legal representative: M. Mohamed Karim Mounir, Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Management Committee of the Crédit Populaire du Maroc (CPM). The BCP acts on its behalf and on behalf of the Banques Populaires Régionales (Law 12-96).
B. Professional rules
The Banque Centrale Populaire is a credit institution under Moroccan law governed by Dahir N° 1.00.70 of 17 October 2000 (Law N° 12-96) and certified by decision of the Governor of the Al-Maghrib Bank N° 28 of 17 Kaada 1431 (25 October 2010), whose head office is at 101, Bd. Mohamed Zerktouni, Casablanca, registered at the Casablanca Commercial Register under number 28173.
C. Declaration
In accordance with Law N° 09-08 promulgated by Dahir 1-09-15 of 18 February 2009, relating to the protection of natural persons in respect of the processing of personal data, personal data collected on the website are declared to the National Commission for the Control of Personal Data (CNDP). The latter provides additional information to any user interested to learn more.
D. Protection of personal data and preservation of banking secrecyThe purpose of processing and saving of information collected by the Banque Populaire, as data controller, through the forms on the website and its subsites, through email or promotional campaigns (games, contests, etc.), is to:- Manage contacts;
- Manage recruitment procedures;
This information is intended exclusively for the use of the Banque Populaire, Banques Populaires Régionales, its subsidiaries, foundations and services providers, as applicable. They will therefore under no circumstances be made available to third parties.The contact details of users are only used to inform them better by sending them the information they wish to receive and possibly those relating to offers of products and services from the Banque Populaire Group. Such personal data is protected by the professional secrecy to which the Banque Populaire is held.Such personal data may be communicated to official bodies and to the administrative or judicial authorities if they so request.The retention period for this personal data by the Banque Populaire, data controller, complies with the regulations in force.In accordance with Law N° 09-08 promulgated by Dahir 1-09-15 of 18 February 2009, relating to the protection of natural persons in respect of the processing of personal data, you have a right of access, rectification and opposition to information about you. You can exercise this right by sending a letter or email to the attention of:
Banque Centrale Populaire
Direction Communication Institutionnelle
Mr. Mohammed OULOUS
101, Boulevard Mohamed Zerktouni-
B.P. 10.622- 20 100- Casablanca
Tel: 05 22 20 25 33 / 05 22 22 41 11
This letter or email must specify the method of solicitation refused. You can also refuse to participate in surveys or polls by writing to the same address.This processing has been notified to and authorised by the CNDP under receipt N° D-W-85/2015.
E. Use of cookies
A cookie is a piece of information placed on your hard drive (Computer, Smartphone, Tablet, etc.) in the form of files, by the server of the website you visit.It contains several items of data:- the name of the server that deposited it;
- an identifier in the form of a unique number;
- possibly an expiry date
The website may use cookies and therefore store files on your terminal that enable easy access to the services offered. In no event can cookies from the website be used to collect personal data without your express consent. This information will not be transmitted outside the Banque Populaire Group and its partners. Neither will it be used for unsolicited communication campaigns. In accordance with the regulations, we inform you that you can oppose the registration of these cookies by configuring your terminal according to the web browser versions that you use. To do this, refer to the help topics for your browsers.
F. General conditions
Internet users who access information made available to them on the website accept the following rules:
1/ Conditions of access and use:
The Banque Populaire has set up this informational website for both customers and non-customers. Browsing this site is subject to the regulations in force and under these conditions of access and use.
Persons who access the information made available by the Banque Populaire on its website accept the following rules:
2/ Warnings
No information that appears on this site, necessarily simplified, can be considered as a contractual offer of services or products.
The Banque Populaire declines all responsibility for the content of the site and the use that may be made of it by anyone.
Anyone wishing to obtain a product or service described on this site must contact a Banque Populaire branch to inquire about its availability, contractual conditions and applicable fees.
Any visitor to the site is considered to accept application of Moroccan law and attribution of jurisdiction to the courts of Morocco.
We cannot guarantee the confidentiality of messages that you may send us that pass through an open telecommunication network. For all confidential messages, we invite you to contact your Banque Populaire branch directly. Under no circumstances can the Banque Populaire accept to receive, by messaging, instructions to carry out a banking or financial transaction that requires a written order signed by the customer.
Website users acknowledge that they have the necessary ability and means to access and use the site.
3/ Intellectual Property
The presentation and content of this site constitutes a work protected by the laws in force on intellectual property, of which the Banque Populaire is the owner. No reproduction and/or representation, in whole or in part, may be made without the prior written consent of the Banque Centrale Populaire.
The name Banque Centrale Populaire, its logo, the name of products in its line and slogans, are, unless otherwise indicated, registered trademarks of the Banque Centrale Populaire.
The drawings, photographs, images, texts, animated sequences, whether or not with sound, and other documents represented on this website are the subject of industrial and/or intellectual property and are, as the case may be, the property of the Banque Populaire or third parties that have authorised the Banque Populaire to use them. In this respect, any reproduction, representation, adaptation, translation and/or transformation, in whole or in part, or transfer to another site, are prohibited.
Reproduction of any documents published on the site is only allowed for the exclusive purposes of information for personal and private use, on condition that references to the copyright or other references concerning intellectual or industrial property rights are not deleted. Such private use does not confer any right on these documents.
Their reproduction, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of the Banque Populaire, is strictly prohibited.
In addition, any reproduction, transmission or use of the Banque Populaire’s website for public or commercial purposes, or creating any links to it, without the prior written authorisation of the Banque Populaire, is strictly prohibited.
4/ Hyperlinks
The Banque Populaire declines all responsibility for the use and content of links to external sites; connection to another site via a hyperlink is the personal choice of the user and is used under the latter’s sole responsibility.
The user must take all precautions to ensure that the site served by the hyperlink does not contain any virus.
In general, the Banque Populaire cannot be held liable for any direct or indirect damage suffered by the internet user as a result of the use of this site.
5/ Nature of information contained in the site:
The information that appears on this site is provided for information only and cannot be considered as a contractual offer of services or products. The existence of links to other sites does not constitute acceptance or validation of their content. The Banque Populaire cannot be held liable due to the use of information on these sites.
The Banque Populaire pays a lot of attention to the accuracy of data contained on its website. If you become aware of incorrect or erroneous information in our pages, please let us know by notifying us at
6/ Communications:
The content of messages or documents that you transmit to the Banque Populaire by email or by any other means from the site, including data, questions, comments, suggestions or any other communication of this nature, will be treated as non-confidential and non-proprietary and therefore deemed freely usable by the Banque Populaire, its Banques Populaires Régionales and its subsidiaries or affiliates, including, among others, for the purposes of reproduction, communication, transmission, publication, dissemination and dispatch. In addition, the Banque Populaire is free to reuse, for the purposes of development, production, marketing or otherwise, the ideas, concepts, know-how or techniques contained in messages, whatever the subject, that you send on the site.
7/ Disclaimer of warranty
The Banque Populaire makes no warranty, express or implied (including, without limitation, implied warranties of ownership or non-infringement, merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose), for the accessibility, accuracy, reliability, up-to-dateness or content of these pages. The Banque Populaire may in no event be held liable for any damage whatsoever, including, without limitation, direct, indirect, incidental or consequential damages, loss of profits or interruption of business, resulting from decisions made on the basis of the content of these pages, of the use or inability to use this service, even if the Banque Populaire has been advised of the possibility of such damages. The Banque Populaire can under no circumstances be held liable for decisions made on the basis of the content of the pages.
8/ Pricing
Access to the Banque Populaire’s website is free of charge, aside from internet service providers and the cost of telephone communication that are directly charged by the operators.
9/ Legal aspect and applicable law
The Casablanca Commercial Court represents the sole legal entity which, under Moroccan law, may rule on any dispute concerning the interpretation or performance of the legal notices and general conditions for use as presented on the website.